CLOSED - NOT A BUG - Found bug if you place a tower construction slot, delete it, then place it again in same location. Tower construction disappears and you can't replace until next GCL

  • Room - E38S63

    Location x14,y13

    I placed the tower construction slot here, then immediately deleted it and then re added it again.

    After several ticks I looked back and noticed the slot was gone.

    When I went to construction menu, it tells me no more towers available until GCL 5

  • Really weird .. I noticed several of my creeps stuck around a wall. When I debugged, they were trying to move to the tower (its not on the screen and they are stuck) .. here is the TowerID they think they are trying to find  58349572562492df04a627b2

  • NM!  - I figured it out. Somehow to tower was NOT placed where I put it .. it got placed next to a wall, under a creep.  All the creeps were stuck and piled up.