Transferring energy to storage
Why is the coding excessively cryptic? It seems that the command which works fine when transferring energy to STRUCTURE_EXTENSION does not also work for STRUCTURE_STORAGE or CONTAINER. Any help would be great, see my current code below:
run: function(creep) { if( < creep.carryCapacity) { var sources =; if(creep.harvest(sources[1]) == ERR_NOT_IN_RANGE) { creep.moveTo(sources[1], {visualizePathStyle: {stroke: '#ffaa00'}}); } } else { var targets = creep.pos.findClosestByPath(FIND_STRUCTURES, { filter: (s) => (s.structureType == STRUCTURE_STORAGE) && < s.energyCapacity }); if(targets) { if(creep.transfer(targets, RESOURCE_ENERGY) == ERR_NOT_IN_RANGE) { creep.moveTo(targets, {visualizePathStyle: {stroke: '#ffffff'}});
energy structures vs store structures
Terminal/Storage/Container/Tombstone have a "store" which works similar to a creep's "carry". < s.energyCapacity would work for an energy structure like an extension but not for a store structure like a container. In this case you need < s.storeCapacity.
Or better remember if there is some mineral in there too, maybe use lowdash container.storeCapacity - _.sum( for free space.
The reason that containers/storage/terminals are different is because they can store minerals. Extensions and spawns and towers can only store energy, so there's no need for the store object.
For store, store[RESOURCE_ENERGY] is always defined, 0 if it's empty. If the other minerals/compounds aren't present, those values are undefined. So if there's no lemergium, then store[RESOURCE_LEMERGIUM] would be undefined
@wtfrank @Saruss @famine Thanks a lot for the explanation guys now I understand why it is different and the code is working all good also.