@zergeich offtop: если ты используешь slack, то можешь написать мне (dk) или написать в игре (DKPlugins) (видимо тебя из-за меня бомбит). Я объясню тебе что к чему в этой игре.
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RE: порталы в шард3
RE: порталы в шард3
@zergeich With no subscription no one has more than 20 CPU
Reducing the amount of market order
I propose to discuss the idea of reducing the amount of the market order. This can be useful if you change your mind to buy some of the resources and in order not to re-create the order (and not pay tax on creating a new order), it can be reduced. That can be implemented in 2 ways:
- Make changes to the extendOrder method so that it supports negative numbers (maybe it will break someone’s code).
- Add a new reduceOrder method.
Shard filter for console
I suggest adding the ability to display the console log for a particular shard, and not just the general log for all shards
Refresh button for all shards in "My orders"
I suggest adding an update order button for each shard (on top of the table), because having a lot of active orders is inconvenient to scroll up to update the list