Suggested getTerrainOfRoom()
is very minor, but useful function: instead of 2500 calls of getTerrainAt()
to acquire static terrain data user now can call getTerrainOfRoom()
once to get copy of runtimeData.staticTerrainData[roomName]
typed array.
There are TERRAIN_MASK_*
constants within existing API which can be used for future analysis of this Uint8Array
: distance transform, skeletonization, convolution with CostMatrices, transferring to WASM etc. IMHO, terrain data acquiring and transferring is pretty expensive now to try some advanced path/map techniques.
Simple test to try (spoiler):
const room = Game.rooms[Object.keys(Game.rooms)[0]];
let t = 0;
t = Game.cpu.getUsed();
const arr =;
t = Game.cpu.getUsed() - t;
console.log(`getTerrainOfRoom = ${t.toFixed(6)} CPU`);
t = Game.cpu.getUsed();
const own = new Uint8Array(2500);
for(let i = 0; i < 50; ++i)
for(let j = 0; j < 50; ++j)
own[i + 50*j] =, j,;
t = Game.cpu.getUsed() - t;
console.log(`getTerrainAt 2500x = ${t.toFixed(6)} CPU`);
Typical performance tests:
[5:42:29 PM]getTerrainAt 2500x = 0.988422 CPU
[5:42:30 PM]getTerrainOfRoom = 0.015738 CPU
Need reply to ensure there aren't security underwater rocks here (constructor or accessors rewriting?) Now I'm investigating it as well.
Pull request:
NOTE: there is a typo inside function (.roomName
instead of .name
if argument is a Room
object), it'll be fixed before merging.