Alternate Notification Methods

  • It would be a really neat feature to allow you to set a notification URL in your profile, and be able to send (for example) a 1k payload POST request to that URL from your script. For example, if I want to have more complex/historical logging or alerting, I could set up a simple HTTP server that exposes an endpoint to accept this data.

    Something along the lines of:


    There should probably be a rate limit of one message per tick or something to prevent abuse, but it would definitely allow some cool community-driven features and supplemental applications to be built.


    Edit: another abuse-prevention method could be applying an increasing cool-down on changing your URL to prevent people automating that aspect as well.

  • Culture

    Have you seen the Screepers community projects? They include tools for SMS notifications, Elasticsearch stats and consoling logging, and the tools you'd need to build your own stuff.