@artch Precisely this attitude

  • @artch Not sure I understand your response. Are you saying that you should be held to the same standard as the other people in the forum? Not trolling, honest question.

  • Culture

    @zortea considering how far you have to go to get banned from this forum- basically alienating and annoying the entire community- I would say that the standard isn't really that high. You basically have to try to get banned from here.


  • @tedivm Oh yeah, I'm not disagreeing with the ban at all, tdxtor was just trolling. But I do feel like genuine questions and concerns are sometimes met with quite a bit of hostility and I wish that was not the case. Most people that bother to post here are doing so because of how much they like the game, it shouldn't be taken like an attack.

  • Dev Team

    @zortea You said I take healthy discussion about the game as personal attacks. I just pointed out that at times there are actual personal attacks. Not always attacks maybe, but getting personal - when someone starts to discuss the developers qualities instead of the game qualities. This thread is a good example of that. And as you can see, I'm always very patient even in such extreme cases.

    I love healthy discussions about the game of any sort. I follow such discussions very carefully, and not only on forum, but also on Slack (earlier IRC), Steam reviews, Reddit, etc. Actually, Screeps is what it is due to these discussions. 70% of the game is influenced by the interaction with the community starting from the very first crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo, and only 30% were my own ideas. So it's really unfair to say that I don't take healthy discussions.

    Sometimes, however, I just may seem not super polite, but it's only because I lack some polite English phrases vocabulary that are often used in official speech. I speak plainly. Not because I'm angry or irritated, but simply because I don't have language skills to look like a diplomat, or a politician, or a big company official person. I'm just a dev guy who talks to other dev guys, and hope you all understand ☺


  • YP

    I appreciate the honesty of that reply. (But pixels are still garbage :P)