Unable to construct container in SK room
createConstructionSite is returning -14 (ERR_RCL_NOT_ENOUGH) attempting to construct a Container in an SK room
Room: https://screeps.com/a/#!/room/shard1/E6S25
Sample code to recreate issue:
let containerPosition = new RoomPosition(33, 4, 'E6S25'); console.log(room.name, '{buildMiningContainer} Constructing source container:', containerPosition); const status = containerPosition.createConstructionSite(STRUCTURE_CONTAINER); if (status !== OK) { console.log(room.name, '{buildMiningContainer} Unexpected status:', status); }
@Donatzor pointed out that the container cap is being taken up by the stronghold that was destroyed (3 active containers) plus the 2 containers I have built in the room