underwhelming skills
OPERATE_EXTENSION - seems useless unless the player only has low level rooms, at which point they won't have a power spawn anyways.
DISABLE_EXTENSION - extensions are basically one shot kills with creeps that are more expendable.
HARVEST_MINERAL and HARVEST_ENERGY - you have to invest too much power for too little benefit.
REFLECT - this should be a skill that can be given to another creep. It loses a lot of it's appeal if ranged attacks aren't covered by it.
I can see HARVEST_ENERGY being useful if you pair it with a Commander that has RENEW. Then you can bring a normal creep with HEAL parts along with your roving band of power creeps and keep it sustained, as long as you regularly find neutral rooms to harvest energy from.
Yeah, the more I've thought about this the more I'm not really happy with it. Revised list-
OPERATE_EXTENSION - while not useless it seems super niche and overpriced.
DISABLE_EXTENSION - I'm actually liking this one than I originally thought.
So my biggest issue with the two skills above is that they are linked together a lot on the skill tree at the lower levels. I think breaking them up to add more variance to the lower level Operators would help.
HARVEST_MINERAL and HARVEST_ENERGY - these actually do have some solid benefits and should be removed from my "underwhelming" list.
REFLECT - I still think this should be a skill that can be given to another creep.