Wrong "terrain" for border in the Sim Room ?
Hello, I think I have find two little mistakes :
- I was in the sim Room and made this :
Shouldn't be "wall" instead of "plain" ? Im on Steam and when i put my mouse at the location, it says "wall" in the cursor section.
- And I was in the WebSite/Doc/Article/Room/function "lookAtArea"/return Values, In the exemple, I think that the terrain "normal" doesn't exist after reading all the doc.
I hope it was helpful
- I was in the sim Room and made this :
Ho I have find more :
It's about the function "lookForAtArea" in the sim Room.
- It doesn't return wrong args like the function "lookAt"
- Same for args > 49
- It doesn't return wrong args like the function "lookAt"