Execute Function From Console?
Has anybody found a way to do this? I looked here but that doesn't seem to work any more. It throws an error.
My function looks like this:
module.exports = { doSomething: function(){ } }
and call it like this from the console:
which throws this error:
SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier at n:5:28406 at _console1439402269655_0:1:5491 at Object.c.runCode:5:34055
As far as I can tell it's exactly like the link above and should work. Any ideas?
Are you sure there is no syntax error in the module?
Just to clarify, if your module name is myModule then the console command is require('myModule').doSomethng();
There was no syntax error but I was trying to declare a global or module variable to keep track of the different types of creeps but apparenly JS doesn't like that. I ended up using the Memory to track them.
Yes, that's correct.