RawMemory bug
I am playing around with using different serialization algorithms besides JSON.parse for my memory. I ran into a problem because (at least in the simulation) when I set RawMemory to something not parseable by JSON.parse I get the error:
Error: Could not parse raw memory
at Object.defineProperty.get [as Memory]:6:4524
at main:1:135
at eval:68:4
at Object.i:6:2741
at Object.c.runCode:6:10639And none of my code is executed and I am forced to restart the simulation
Here is the simplest example where the error occurs:
console.log("Starting Code");
RawMemory.set(" ");Can somebody please fix this so I can implement my own non-JSON based parsing?
Has anyone else successfully utilized RawMemory? If so how did you use it?
Thank You
I haven't tried in simulation yet. But in the gameworld, Raw Memory was working as intended for me.
Thanks for reporting, fixed.