Sending resources to a nearly full terminal results in resources dropped on the ground

  • Culture

    Sending resources to a nearly full terminal results in resources dropped on the ground,


    If you have 900 storage left in a terminal, and you send in 1000 of some resource the full 1000 gets dropped under the terminal.

    Expectations were that it would fill up to the full storage count, and drop the rest (100 on the ground, terminal now full)


    Is the current method intended?



  • Culture

    Would love a change on this. Just had 150k energy dropped on ground because it was 10 energy too much.

  • Dev Team

    This is fixed on the PTR now and will be included in the market update on September 5.

  • Culture

    Will this mean that, if you accept an order (by accident) and send it to a room which can't take the order,  it will drop (partially)  on the ground?


    Obviously this would be coding error on the user part, but just wondering.

  • Dev Team

    Will this mean that, if you accept an order (by accident) and send it to a room which can’t take the order, it will drop (partially) on the ground?

    Yes, exactly.