ERR_NO_PATH when creep moveTo flag in another room

  • Culture

    Increase maxOps and see if it still happens.

  • So using this code, my creep will exit the room in which it was spawned, and then once it's in the other room get -2 for moveTo() and an empty array [] result from findPath. I've had a ticket open with support for a couple days. No reply yet though.

      var targetPos = new RoomPosition(23, 48,'E49N34');
      var result = creep.moveTo(targetPos);
      console.log(`Result of creep.moveTo(new RoomPosition(23, 48, 'E49N34')): ${result}`);
      if(result == -2) {
        const path =, targetPos, { maxOps: 10000 } );
        console.log(`Path result was: ${JSON.stringify(path)}`);

  • That is a little weird, I agree. Try to move the target position a few tiles into the room. Just 2-3 tiles. A few tiles of swamp shouldn't matter. I have also seen issues when the target position is too close to an exit and the creep must travel along the exit tiles to avoid swamp.

    I still think this is a coding challenge and not a technical thing that support can help us with.

  • Dev Team

    I don't think it's an engine issue, but I'll try to reproduce the issue. Never experienced that myself tbh, so can't promise anything. If I found a reproducible bug in pathfinding, it will be queued for fixing.

  • I had a sort of the same problem, where a creep kept going back and forth on a border. In the room the creep wanted to be in the path it found went back out to the room the creep came from, and in the room it came from it got the ERR_NO_PATH. I'm pretty sure this was caused by swamp on the border between where the creep entered the room it wanted to be in and where i wanted it to go to in that room.

    I fixed it by building roads on the swamp. I didn't really understand why i got the ERR_NO_PATH error, so i could not think of a way to fix it in code, probably because i am still pretty new to Screeps and don't really understand how moving to other rooms goes. I assumed it was not a bug and me not understanding how pathfinding works (-:

  • @sandgrainone Thank you for the suggestion. I have tried many points within the room. Tried moving to a flag position and to several hardcoded positions.

  • @stillstate It looks like you've added the maxOps option on the call to findPath after moveTo has failed but you haven't actually increased the number of operations that moveTo can perform when it's looking for a path.

    What happens if you add the maxOps option to the call to moveTo?

  • This post is deleted!

  • @hyramgraff Wow. Thank you! That did it.

  • I solved the issue with this code, and I hope it costs less CPU than the method using maxOps.

        if (creep.moveTo(pos) == ERR_NO_PATH) {
          if (this.pos.x <= 1) {
            if (this.move(RIGHT) == OK) {
          if (this.pos.x >= 48) {
            if (this.move(LEFT) == OK) {
          if (this.pos.y <= 1) {
            if (this.move(BOTTOM) == OK) {
          if (this.pos.y >= 48) {
            if (this.move(TOP) == OK) {

    It seems like when a creep is not on the room border, the creep can find a path.