I'm sorry I couldn't reply, I was raking leaves outside.
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Posts made by Ziton
RE: My tower just keeps repairing a single piece of wall.
My tower just keeps repairing a single piece of wall.
How to tell my tower to stop repairing a piece of a constructed wall if it is on 30k hits? Here's my code:
var tower = Game.getObjectById('5c2796fa9da4b610294bbb8f'); if (tower) { var closestDamagedWall = tower.pos.findClosestByRange(STRUCTURE_WALL, { filter: (structure) => structure.hits < 30000 }); var closestDamagedRampart = tower.pos.findClosestByRange(STRUCTURE_RAMPART, { filter: (structuere) => structure.hits < 30000 }); var closestDamagedStructure = tower.pos.findClosestByRange(FIND_STRUCTURES, { filter: (structure) => structure.hits < structure.hitsMax }); if (closestDamagedWall) { tower.repair(closestDamagedWall); } if (closestDamagedRampart) { tower.repair(closestDamagedRampart); } if (closestDamagedStructure) { tower.repair(closestDamagedStructure) } var closestHostile = tower.pos.findClosestByRange(FIND_HOSTILE_CREEPS); if (closestHostile) { tower.attack(closestHostile); } }
RE: My Side Panel is gone.
Oh, ok. Now it worked. Thank you, master. May the Force always be with you.
RE: My Side Panel is gone.
That is the problem, master, I cannot push the button. Wise you are, but I need another piece of advice.
My Side Panel is gone.
I accidentally closed my side panel and I can't open it no matter what I do. Help? I have a task that I cannot execute through my console or script and this task is really important.