I'm relieved to see everything is back
Not only the channels, I save a lot of snippets and notes on DMs to myself.
Posts made by eduter
RE: Slack workspace deleted?
RE: Disable default notifications
@tehfiend I just tried this in the console and it worked fine:
'<span style="background-color:red;color:yellow">foo</span>'
Don't know about emails, though. I never tried to style the notifications.
RE: Disable default notifications
@tehfiend if you're already using HTML, can't you just set the background color yourself?
RE: Disable default notifications
While on the subject of unwanted emails... I think it's safe to assume that people don't want emails about their typos in the console.
1 notification received on shard1: SyntaxError: Unexpected token . at _console1599257464959_0:1:51 at _console1599257464959_0:1:60 at Object.exports.evalCode (<runtime>:15550:71) at Object.exports.run (<runtime>:31737:41) Go to the game
RE: Undefined ticksToLive
Hasn't that always been the case? I found my commit where I added
ticksToLive === undefined ? CREEP_LIFE_TIME : ticksToLive
to my bot (exactly because it's undefined on the first tick) and it's from September 2017. -
RE: Overrun by 'new' player?
What you described sounds like ZeSwarm, an open source bot that basically just harasses its neighbors, but I'm not sure if that was the case. Getting wiped by other players happens. Possibly many times, in the beginning. It happens even if your neighbors are newbies, writing their code from scratch. All it takes is them focusing more on combat than you. When the novice zone walls drop, there's also a good chance of you getting wiped by much stronger players. But that's ok, you lose you current room(s), but you keep your GCL and, more importantly, you keep your code. Just find another place to spawn and keep working on your code. You can also try to message your neighbors / possible neighbors and ask if it's ok if you spawn close to them. There are many peaceful players out there and even aggressive players that will leave a novice alone, if asked to.
RE: Option to disable downgrade notifications
As a workaround, you could create a filter for emails from noreply@screeps.com containing "Upgrade it to prevent losing of this room." or something like that.
RE: Encouraging more combat at high GCL
@tigga said in Encouraging more combat at high GCL:
I don't believe that any of the changes I've suggested would effect combat at the "basic" level.
Since it would be a special shard, geared towards combat, it could have other differences, things that you would classify as "things that would make the game better from a fresh start", but would piss off a lot of people.
I don't much care for the idea of a new shard as I think we've got enough space as it is.
I think this shard should be much much smaller than the others, so it wouldn't add much space. I also think it should not allow spawning in it and maybe even having restrictions about which creeps can cross (e.g. crossing creeps lose 4000 hits) or having some boosted portal keepers, so you have to earn your place in it. Or maybe portals to it would be short lived and only appear among ruins of Lv 5 strongholds.
Really I just think it's a bit too easy to make an inpenitrable room on the main server right now, and I feel the main server shouldn't be as stale as it is, especially compared to days of old.
Personally, I like the MMO better now, more peaceful.
RE: Encouraging more combat at high GCL
From time to time, the subject of how to stimulate more PvP combat in MMO comes up, mostly by the same group of players. But, whether this should be a goal is rarely (never?) questioned. Screeps calls itself an "MMO sandbox game for programmers", not a war game. While having more PvP combat would certainly make the game more fun to some, not everybody is interested in more combat. Some people have fun focusing on economy, market, advanced path finding, behavior trees, over engineered operating system architecture, etc. Others would like to get to combat at some point, but are still struggling with the basics. All those players would find the game less fun, if they saw themselves forced to defend themselves all the time, or if they kept getting wiped by big players and couldn't find a quiet place in the MMO for their ant farm, while they work on their code. Maybe the problem is when players who want a good fight, are surrounded by peaceful players, and when peaceful players have aggressive neighbors. What if there was a smaller shard with modifications to stimulate combat and make turtling less effective, with one-way portals coming from other shards? Only people who are interested in combat would claim rooms in that shard. If the promise of good fights is not enough to attract people, there could be modifications that make that shard more inviting. Faster ticks? More resources? Some sort of exclusive rank? Some or all of Tigga's suggestions could be implemented there. Even a cap on total owned rooms (without limiting allocated CPU) could be in place.
Cannot login using GitHub integration
When I try to login, it redirects me to http://localhost:8083/api/auth/github/callback?code=...
I think it stopped working after the migration of the production server cluster.